Friday, June 29, 2007

Look what I can do!

Boden is now 16 weeks old.
He surprises us every day with a new trick.

He smiles and giggles and even tries to talk, he grabs for his toys (and his feet), he can roll over both ways, he can hold his weight standing.

He can almost fit his whole fist in his mouth, but prefers his thumb.

He loves to blow bubbles and to snuggle his blue bear.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Kiddie Pool

Fun in the sun...

Boden had a blast playing in his new kiddie pool with neighbor girl Tatum.

Mauja kept a close watch on both of them.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Bath Time

Boden loves his baths!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Great Grandma Rosch

Great Grandma Audrey Rosch was thrilled to meet her 7th great grandchild!

The Boat Ride

Boden got to meet his Great Grandfather Thomas Kennefick, he was named after this incredible man. 95 and still going strong!

He loved the boat ride!

Grandpa thinks you can walk.

Almost all the Kennefick cousins

Dawn, looks like a natural to me. Bring on the cousins!

He stayed out until almost midnight, playing games around the campfire.


Boden was awesome on the plane, he slept and smiled at the people around us.

It was nice to be home and hangin' out in the backyard.

Boden slept through most of Megan's baby shower, but she got a taste of teething later on in the afternoon.

I'm not sure he really understood the point to the Johnny Jump-up, but he liked to spin around in it.

His Great Aunt Karen is teaching him Norwegian.

His Great Aunt Mary got to feed him.

Always good to see the cousins, Kyle you must be next?

Jake even got to show off the new little one to some old friends. We still expect you to visit us, even though our guest room is full of toys.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Boden bare naked

Boden and his girls

This is Boden and Olivia still in the hospital, Boden is one day old and Olivia is 2 days old.

Here is Boden and Olivia at 3 months!

Boden is also friends with Tatum, who lives across the street and comes over to play every day for daycare.