Sunday, September 23, 2007


Although we did not get any good photos of it yet, Boden is officially crawling!

Here are some photos for the week of Boden playing in his laundry basket and opening drawers.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Life is good!

Life is good. Boden is great.

Here is Boden at Sun Pies, that's right we actually made it out of the house for happy hour!

Boden and his daddy were cheering on their favorite teams for the first football games of the season. Go Vikes, Go Broncos!

He is just really the cutest baby EVER!!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

6 months old!!!

Boden is 6 months old. It is amazing how quickly he is learning and growing.

We took him hiking again and he still loves it!

Grandma Kivett visited for the long weekend.

He thinks he can walk!

We took him to Stawberry Park Hot Springs and he loved playing in the water.